Bonus Points

Here is a list of ways you could gain some bonus points to reduce your total score:

  1. Name 2 people buried in the cemetery outside the pub.

  2. In 1994, which Boston sports legend was inducted into their sport’s hall of fame?

  3. Name a speakeasy you’ve been to in Boston

  4. What author coined the phrase “Hub of the Universe” in reference to Boston is the 19th century?

  5. Buy a stranger a drink

  6. Boston Long Wharf when initially completed was the longest wharf extending into Boston Harbor. How was it? Guess plus/minus 100 feet.

  7. What is the oldest line in the T system?

  8. Leave 2 positive google reviews

  9. Name 3 movies released in 1994.

  10. Who threw the final pitch of the Red Sox 2004 World Series win.